School-wide Enrichment Model

The Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM), which was originally developed by Renzulli, focuses on the enjoyment of the learning process with a specific concentration on planned enrichment experiences. The model helps students to better understand their abilities, interests and learning styles by focusing on their strengths, rather than their deficits. SEM wordle

SEM aims to enhance & build upon the documented & potential strengths & interests of ALL students. SEM is accomplished when we focus on the 3Es. The 3Es of SEM include Enjoyment, which leads to higher Engagement, which then leads to increased Enthusiasm for learning. 

Our SEM program will have a strong social justice focus and will utilize the infusion-based approach: We will examine the traditional curriculum and explore opportunities & strategies to inject enrichment experiences. To ensure proper talent development, all students will complete an 'Interest A Lyzer' survey so that we can have a solid understanding of student interest and strengths. 

Additional components of the SEM Program will include: Enrichment Clusters Support for schoolwide initiatives Interest-based Workshops Curriculum compacting & small groups for advanced learners Field trips & excursions

Each student will have an opportunity to select an enrichment cluster. Teachers develop and host enrichment clusters to serve students who share a common interest. Cluster themes have focused on journalism, robotics, photography, podcasting, fashion design, sports, etc. To ensure that we are contributing to the change agent approach, each cluster will present a final social action based product at the SEM showcase.

Lastly, the SEM program will also include the implementation of SEM-R groups. SEM-R (Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Reading) is a program designed to: 

  • Stimulate interest in and enjoyment of reading
  • Promote and develop higher reading achievement
  • Improve self-regulation in reading and higher-level thinking skills
  • Encourage students to select high-interest books that are slightly to moderately above their current reading levels and promote proper comprehension skills
  • Create independent, lifelong readers
  • Reduce whole group instruction and increase individualized, differentiated reading instruction
  • Incorporate curriculum compacting 
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